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Crazy weather

Crazy weather

So it's Autumn, end of September, and what do you expect? Wind and chilly-ish temperatures right? You'd be wrong in the UK. We're having some sort of heatwave!!! Thought this was a relevant song. Not really my usual stuff but trolling through youtube...

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So how did it go?

So how did it go?

Well, the toga party was last night. Well, me and my friends thought it was supposed to be a toga night, turns out nobody could be bothered to dress up so the only people actually in togas were me and my friends!!! Oh well, best dressed wouldda gone to...

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So i'm doing 14.5 hours of work today. Getting up at 6am and getting home at 10pm. It's a long day and i'm not even halfway through yet.... Having 2 jobs will never be easy, and now with starting back at uni i could end up working 7 days a week!! No rest...

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For all of those who're thinking 'what the hell is ADTR???' here's a video from youtube (i do not own any rights to this video!!!) Some would say pop-punk. And i guess their newer stuff is more pop-punk, but some of their older stuff if most defnitely...

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I think i've written a blog once before, I probably gave up after the first article... We'll see. So i'm heading back to uni tomorrow, my second year. No freshers specific for me, but i'll still be going ;) There's a fresher's frat party on Friday, welcome...

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